Location: Morocco is situated in the extreme northwest of Africa. It has a long western coastline on the shores of the Atlantic ocean and a northern coastline on the Mediterranean Sea. Morocco is bordered on the east by Algeria and on the south by the disputed territory of western Sahara.
Land use-20.1% cropland, 46.8% permanent pasture, 20.2% forests and woodland, 12.9% other(mostly desert); arable land per capita-1.3 acres; coastline-1,834 km., land borders-1.995 km.
Holidays (2001): 1 January (New Year), 11 January (Independence Manifesto), 3 March (Festival of the Throne, anniversary of King Hassan's accession), 6 March (Eid Kebir-Id al-Adha, Feast of the Sacrifice), 26 March (Islamic New Year), 4 April (Ashoura), 1 May (Labour Day), 23 May (National Day), 4 June (Mouloud, Birth of the Prophet), 6 November (Anniversary of the Green March), 17 November (Beginning of Ramadan), 18 November (Independence Day), 17 December (Eid el Seghir-Idal-Fitr, end of Ramadan).
Administrative Districts: 40 provinces and 2 prefectures
Morocco was divided in 1912 into a French protectorate and a smaller Spanish protectorate. The French authorities deposed Sultan Mohammed V in August 1953 and agreed with his restoration in November 1955. The French protectorate was terminated and became independent from France on March 2, 1956. Spain gave up its protectorate and recognized independent Morocco on April 7, 1956. The Kingdom of Morocco was proclaimed on August 14, 1957. King Mohammed V died in February 1961 and was succeeded by his son, crown Prince Moulay Hassan in March. The new King took the title of Hassan Ⅱ.
On July 23, 1999, King Hassan II died of a heart attack. Then Mohammed VI inherited the Moroccan throne.(來源:北京市人民政府外事辦公室)