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央視國際 (2003年11月24日 17:09)

  國 名:加拿大

  Official Name: Canada

  國 旗:自左向右由紅、白、紅兩色組成。紅色為垂直長方形,白色為正方形。白色中央繪有一片11個角的紅色楓樹葉。兩塊紅色表示太平洋和大西洋,白色表示加拿大廣闊無垠的國土,紅色楓葉表示居住在這片土地上的加拿大人民。

  National Flag: The National Flag (proportions 2 by 1) consists of a red maple leaf on a white field, flanked by red panels.

  國 徽:1921年制定,為一枚盾徽。盾面上繪有雄獅、蘇格蘭王獅、金豎琴(代表愛爾蘭)、百合花、楓葉。雄獅和金豎琴象徵加拿大與英國的密切關係,百合花象徵與法國的關係,楓葉為加拿大的專有標誌。盾徽左側繪有金獅和英國國旗,象徵加拿大為英聯邦成員國;右側繪有馬身獅尾獨角獸和百合花旗,象徵與法國的關係。盾徽頂部繪有金色頭盔和頭戴王冠的雄獅,藉以紀念在第一次世界大戰中加拿大軍隊作出的犧牲。國徽最頂部是鑲有珠寶的聖愛德華金色王冠,象徵英國女王是加拿大的國家元首。盾徽下方由愛爾蘭白花酢漿草和法國紅色百合花拱托的藍色飾帶,上書寫著“從大海到大海”的加拿大格言。

  國 歌:啊!加拿大(1980年7月1日,加拿大政府宣佈為正式國歌)上帝保祐女王(王室頌歌)。

  國 花:楓葉。加拿大以楓樹為國樹,楓林遍及全國,素有“楓葉國”的美譽。

  憲 法:加拿大迄今為止還沒有一部完整的憲法,主要由在各個不同歷史時期通過的憲法法案所構成,最重要的是英國議會于1867年通過的《不列顛北美法案》(後改名為《憲法法案》)及其修正案、《1982年憲法法案》、以及《加拿大權利和自由憲章》。加拿大自身制訂的法令也構成憲法的一個重要“書面”來源(例如,成立加拿大最高法院的法律和最初的“權利法案”)。這些法令的司法解釋對於憲法的實施産生了重要影響,尤為顯著的是在聯邦政府和各省之間分權方面。自1967年通過《不列顛北美法案》以來,憲法的逐漸形成存在兩個趨勢性標誌:加拿大在處理國內和外交事務中享有越來越大的自主權;而各省在與聯邦政府的關繫上也享有越來越大的權利。這兩個趨勢在1982年通過的《加拿大憲法法案》中達到頂點,自此,英國議會將其對加拿大憲法的控制權完全移交給了加拿大。《1982年憲法法案》規定,加實行聯邦議會制,尊英王為加國家元首,其代表是總督。英、法語均為官方語言。憲法宗旨:為了和平、秩序和良好的政府。

  Constitution: The "living" Constitution of Canada cannot be found in a single document. It consists of a series of written documents, judicial pronouncements, "unwritten" customs and usages, and other sources. Of the written documents, by far the most important are the British North America Act (later renamed the Constitution Act), passed by the British Parliament in 1867, its amendments, the Constitution Act of 1982, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Canadian statutes also form an important "written" source of the Constitution (for example, the laws establishing the Supreme Court of Canada and the original Canadian "Bill of Rights"). Judicial interpretation of these statutes has had a profound effect on constitutional practice, notably on the division of powers between the federal government and the provinces. Since the passage of the British North America Act in 1867, two trends have marked the evolution of the Constitution: Canada has assumed ever-greater autonomy in conducting internal and external affairs, and the provinces have assumed ever greater powers in dealing with the federal government. These two trends culminated in the Constitution Act of Apr. 17, 1982, by which legal control of the Constitution passed from the British Parliament to Canada itself.

  Canada is a federal parliamentary state. Under the Constitution Act 1982, executive power is vested in the British monarch, as Head of State, and exercised in her name by a Governor-General and Privy Council.


  Location: The second-largest country in the world, Canada stretches across the northern part of North America, excluding Alaska and Greenland. It extends from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific, and its southern border with the United States is formed along the upper St. Lawrence Seaway and the Great Lakes, proceeding west along the 49th parallel. It is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north and has a northwestern boundary with Alaska. The climate is an extreme one, particulary inland. Winter temperatures drop well below freezing but summers are generally hot. Rainfall varies from moderate to light and there are heavy falls of snow.

  面 積:9,970,610平方公里


  Area: 9,970,610 sq. km.

  Land use- 4.6% cropland; 2.8% permanent pasture; 36.2% forests and woodland; 56.4% other; arable land per capita- 4.4 acres; coastline- 243,791 km. (includes islands); land borders- 8,893 km.

  人 口:3114.7萬人(2000)


  Population: 31,147,000 (2000).

  Density- 3.1 inhabits. per sq. km. (2000); urban pop.- 78.1% (1995); growth rate per year- 1.0% (2000-2010); avg. life expectancy- 79.0 years (2000-2010).

  首 都:渥太華;人口103萬人(1996)

  Capital: Ottawa, pop. 1030,000 (1996)

  時 差:比格林尼治時間晚5小時;比北京時間晚13小時。

  Time: 5 hours later than GMT; 13 hours later than Beijing Time.

  語 言:英語和法語為官方語言。

  Language: English and French are the official languages.

  民 族:英裔居民佔40%,法裔居民佔27%,其他歐洲人後裔佔20%,土著印第安人和愛斯基摩人佔1.5%,其他民族佔11.5%。

  Ethnic Composition: British- 40%; French- 27%; other European- 20%; indigenous Indian and Eskimo- 1.5%; other- 11.5%.

  宗 教:羅馬天主教佔46%,聯合教會佔16%,英國聖公會佔10%,其它佔28%。

  Religion: Roman Catholic- 46%; United Church- 16%; Anglican- 10%; other- 28%.

  貨 幣:1加拿大元(簡稱:加元)=100分;1美元=1.513加元(1999年3月)

  Currency: 1 Canadian dollar (Can$) = 100 cents; 1 U.S. dollar = Can$1.513 (Mar. 1999)

  節 日(2001年):新年(1月1日)、耶穌受難日(4月13日)、復活節後的星期一(4月16日)、加拿大日(7月1日)、勞工日(9月3日)、聖誕節(12月25日)、節禮日(12月26日)。

  Holidays (2001): Jan. 1 (New Year). Apr.13 (Good Friday). Apr.16 (Easter Monday), Jul. 1 (Canada Day), Sep.3 (Labour Day), Dec. 25 (Christmas Day), Dec. 26 (Boxing Day).


  Administrative Districts: 10 Provinces and 2 Territories.


  艾伯塔省(埃德蒙頓)Alberta (Edmonton)

  不列顛哥倫比亞省(維多利亞)British Columbia (Victoria)

  馬尼托巴省(溫尼伯)Manitoba (Winnipeg)

  新不倫瑞克省(弗雷德里克頓)New Brunswick (Fredericton)

  紐芬蘭省(聖約翰斯)Newfoundland (Saint John's)

  新斯科舍省(哈利法克斯)Nova Scotia (Halifax)

  安大略省(多倫多)Ontario (Toronto)

  愛德華王子島省(夏洛特敦)Prince Edward Island

  (Charlotte town)

  北克省(魁北克)Quebee (Quebec)

  薩斯喀徹溫省(裏賈納)Saskatchewan (Regina).

  地 區(首府):

  西北地區(耶洛奈夫)Northwest Territories (Yellowknife)

  育空地區(懷特霍斯)Yukon Territory (whitehorse)


  Major Cities: Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Quebec, Hamilton, Kitchener, London, Halifax, Windsor, Victoria.


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