匯聚音樂力量,讓愛點亮世界!在世界各地共同抗擊新冠疫情的非常時期,由中華文化促進會、中國華僑國際文化交流促進會指導,央視網、中華文化促進會樂器産業協作體、中國音協流行音樂學會、中華文化促進會藝術融合與創新工作委員會、美中文化藝術聯合會聯合主辦,與世界各地的音樂家、演奏家、歌唱家共同推出大型公益活動“五洲同心 世界一家”—“愛樂之聲”全球24小時雲端音樂會。
  May the power of music light up the world! In this unprecedented times to fight coronavirus pandemic worldwide, the CCTV. com, the Musical Instruments Collaboration Committee of CCPS, the Pop Music Society of Chinese Music Association, the Art Fusion and Innovation Committee of CCPS, and the Alliance of Chinese Culture & Arts USA will jointly organize the virtual event “One World One Family” under the theme of “Music For Love”, Over 600 musicians, performers, and singers around the world will participate the event.
  This event is supervised by the Chinese Culture Promotion Society (CCPS) and the China Association for International Cultural Exchanges with Overseas Chinese.