
Warriors of Ancient Ba Tribe

At the end of the 20th century, construction of the largest key water control project in the world began at the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. The largest archaeological site also appeared here. People wondered if the large-scale excavation could solve the age-old mysteries of the Ba people.

Bai Bin (Associate Professor, Archaeology Department, School of Historical Culture, Sichuan University):

Sets of bronze swords, spears, battle-axes and dagger-axes were found from the Lijiaba tombs. These bronze weapons were highly characteristic of the Ba culture. The Ba people had a martial spirit. They also showed the historical background of the Warring States Period. Wars were frequent in those days. So some people guess that the Lijiaba graveyard was of a military nature.

The strong military nature has been proved by the incalculable weapons unearthed along the Pengxi River. Archaeologists also had a surprising discovery at Yujiaba , Kaixian County on the upper reaches of the Pengxi River. Many tombs of Ba warriors appeared on an excavation site of over 5,000 square metres. The tombs buried a period of history little known to the world. What kind of a war took place here? When did the Ba officers and men lose their lives? No answers can be found from any historical records. All the secrets are hidden in the dazzling gleam of the swords.

Luo Erhu (Professor, Archaeology Department, School of Historical Culture, Sichuan University):

Almost every man was buried with weapons. This was a very important feature. Their weapons are laid in sets.

Liu Chunming (Deputy Head, Department of Museums, Bureau of Culture, Chongqing):

You can feel it. The edge of the sword is very sharp.

Luo Erhu (Professor Archaeology Department, School of Historical Culture, Sichuan University):

The weapons were ready for battle anytime. They were buried with the warriors. They entered another world.

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