Best Partner 鏈 匠鎷嶆。 08-24-2005 13:44
One section in this final competition is called "Group Debating". In this section, ench two contastants will cooperate to discuss with other two pairs. The top pair is Group C, Adilijiang and Tao Ran. During Taoran's presentation, the Xinjiang boy always gave her many supports with his dramatic body language!
鍦ㄦ瘮璧涗腑鏈変竴涓幆鑺傛槸涓や釜閫夋墜緇勫悎鍚庡拰鍏朵粬涓ゅ杈╄銆傝繖涓 幆鑺傜殑鏈 珮鐨勫垎鏄樋鍦伴噷姹熷拰闄剁劧鎵 湪鐨凜緇勩 鍦ㄦ惌妗i槓榪版椂錛屾柊鐤嗘潵鐨勫ぇ鐢峰鎬繪槸鐢ㄤ粬涓板瘜鐨勮偄浣撹璦 潵琛ㄨ堪瀵規惌妗g殑鑲畾鍜屾敮鎸侊紒