
11-14-2008 13:42

Watch Video: Part 1 >>

This year marks the 30th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up. Since China's opening-up, foreigners have come in droves to study, work and travel. In these two episodes, we invite two special foreign friends who have been in China for over 30 years, to talk about the changes and developments over the past three decades.

Atul Dalakoti, Executive Director of FICCI China and Roberta Lipson, Chairman of United Family Hospitals & Clinics have spent the last 30 years in China and are true witnesses of China’s reform and opening-up. During the interview, the pair talked about their experiences in China during the early period of reform and opening-up and their interactions with local Chinese people. In the studio, we also invite expats and Chinese people from all walks of life to join the discussion and share their life stories in China.