
08-07-2008 07:36

Special Report:   2008 Beijing Olympic Games

Each Olympic Games represents a stage for athletes to show their power and speed. But they're just one part of what makes the event a success. In our special series "2008 and Beyond", CCTV reporter Xu Jiaying met one of the tens of thousands of Olympic venue volunteers to see how those out of the spotlight will still play their part in a great sporting occasion.

Volunteers in Beijing Olympic Games
Volunteers in Beijing Olympic Games

According to the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee there are nearly 200 Hong Kong youngsters who will serve as Game-time volunteers during this summer Olympics in Beijing.

Cao Feng, volunteer of National Aquatics Center
Cao Feng, volunteer of National Aquatics Center

As the Beijing Olympics get ever closer, Cao Feng is also counting down to his once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

After being chosen as an Olympic volunteer, August will see a dream come true for this Hong Kong youngster.

Under the heading of "Hong Kong people's part in the Olympics", he's recording all of his experiences as he prepares for his big moment.