
07-09-2007 17:19

Special Report:   2008 Beijing Olympics

Many young Chinese have set their sights on becoming an Olympic volunteer. Even though volunteers won't be selected until next March, hopeful applicants are getting in some practice. Xu Zhaoqun reports on how one college student is preparing for the final selection.

One of the organizers of the Tsinghua University volunteer team, Zhong Sheng seemed a little nervous before his short speech at a ceremony kicking off the University's Olympic Volunteers service.

Zhong says he enjoys volunteering for such activities even though it uses up most of his spare time.

With two years of volunteer experience, Zhong is very confident of being chosen as an Olympic volunteer.

Zhong Sheng, volunteer applicant, said, "I have no idea what I will do during the Games, but we are trying to do as much as we can of those little things to help visitors, such as cleaning the campus. I believe it will be useful."

Zhong and his fellow students have the opportunity to carry out this plan during the May holiday.

They act as campus tour guides for people from around the country coming to see what a first class university in China looks like.

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of other volunteers are working around the the city.

Over the past few months, nearly three-hundred thousand people have applied to be Olympic volunteers.

One of the applicants' slogans is: give me 16 days, I will show the world an amazing five thousand years of civilization.