
01-13-2006 17:17

The area around the Chishui River is surrounded by verdant primeval forests. Yet the region is better associated with the colour red. Guomindang persecution saw the Red Army begin its Long March. Zunyi, on the banks of the Chishui, was the largest town they passed through and after resting here, they began to turn the tide of the war. Yesterday, we toured the area’s striking red cliffs and the Buddhist Grottoes sculpted from the living rock. The soft stone was carved into steep valleys by flowing water. These days, visitors come to see the many waterfalls that continue to shape this fascinating place.

The Danxia landscape around Zunyi has some of the country’s best scenery, including its many waterfalls. Yet the region is undeveloped and almost inaccessible. While this has protected the vulnerable ecosystem, it also discourages visitors from seeing some of the area’s best views. On Journalists’ Day, our recording team began a trek to one of the region’s best kept secrets.

Ever since anyone can remember, people along the banks of the Chishui River have lived in harmony with nature. Their lives are intimately linked to the water that flows out of the ancient forest and into the Chishui. Even today, many people’s livelihoods depend on the environment they have protected for generations. Tomorrow, we will see how a major part of the local economy depends upon the waters of the Chishui. After the Red Army passed through the region, they became associated with its local liquor. Now, Maotai liquor is China’s premier alcohol and can fetch very high prices. But it can only be made in the unique geographical conditions around the Chishui River.


Editor:Wang Ping