
03-24-2008 17:44

Moderator: Yang Rui

Special Report: March 14 -- The Lhasa Riots


Ambassador Wu Jianmin, President, China Foreign Affairs University

Gao Zhikai, Director, China Nat'l Assoc. of Int'l Studies


This year 2008 looks set to be an eventful year since not all of those outside China want to see a confident and peaceful development of China. Many want to steal spotlight when the summer Olympic Games are coming.

Tibet is one case in point. With instructions from those in exile, rioters decided to capture headlines with looting and killings in Lhasa, capital of Tibet to remind the world of the pro-secession activities in 1958. At the same time, some Western media reports describe the rioting as peaceful.

No one believes that cops would stand by after African Americans angrily did looting and set property ablaze in Los Angeles when the press said white policemen beat what they call negroes ruthlessly and got acquitted later on.

With its global economic expansion, China stands ready to be supervised by the world media but Beijing says it will not take bias and partiality very seriously.


Editor:Du Xiaodan