
03-20-2008 09:11

Special Report:   2008 Beijing Olympic Games

"A Century of Olympic Posters", whets the appetite in China for the 2008 Games. The exhibition is going around the country. Right now it's open at the Liaoning Provincial Museum. It allows visitors to see the evolution of posters. And in that we also see the progressive growth of the Olympic Games over more than a century.

"A Century of Olympic Posters", whets the appetite in China for
the 2008 Games. The exhibition is going around the country. Right
now it's open at the Liaoning Provincial Museum.(Photo:

One hundred and three exhibits are on loan from London's Victoria and Albert Museum. Posters, books, tickets and agendas, part of a precious collection, are on display. They take visitors down Memory Lane, extending from the restoration of the Olympics in 1896 to the 2012 London Olympics.

"A Century of Olympic Posters", whets the appetite in China for
the 2008 Games. The exhibition is going around the country. Right
now it's open at the Liaoning Provincial Museum.(Photo:

As snapshots capturing moments in time, posters provide a fascinating record. And almost all the visitors reach for their cameras to make the posters part of their personal record. Each poster comes attached with the story behind it, to help visitors enhance their understanding of the world's greatest international sporting event.

The exhibition has attracted over 60,000 visitors since it opened in Shenyang, northeast China, last Wednesday.