
02-09-2009 09:30

China's state-owned electricity and oil companies are making every effort to ensure sufficient supplies are available for the country's drought relief work.

China's state-owned electricity and oil companies are making every effort to ensure sufficient supplies are available for the country's drought relief work. 
China's state-owned electricity and oil companies
are making every effort to ensure sufficient 
supplies are available for the country's drought
relief work.

With demand high as a result of increased use of irrigation machinery, the State Grid's Hunan Subsidiary allocated a 500 million yuan fund to boost the electricity supply in more than 100 townships in the province.

To meet demand in Shangdong and Jiangsu provinces, electricity departments delivered power devices to the hardest-hit villages. In Anhui province, authorities set up temporary electricity lines to aid irrigation.

Meanwhile, refining giants Sinopec and PetroChina have stepped up their oil supplies. Diesel prices have been lowered in some areas, and help has also been provided for the transport of oil.

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Editor:Xiong Qu