
03-17-2008 11:23

Special Report:   2008 NPC & CPPCC sessions

China is determined to boost innovation in the country. Much of the talk at the ongoing NPC session has been on how to help the country make the big move from being a center for manufacture, to being a hub for creativity.

China is determined to boost innovation in the country.
China is determined to boost innovation in the country.

China is trying to make the transition from "Made in China" to "Innovated in China." But as the deputies at the NPC session discussed, it will take some time for the country to complete its transformation.

Jin Zhiguo, NPC Deputy said "If China is only a manufacturing or processing base for the world, and we don't have any of our own technologies or brands, then our resources will dry up and our environment will become more polluted. Our country will be dominated by multinationals, and they will control us with their technology."

Wu Cunrong, NPC Deputy said "I think China could promote the development of venture capital, strengthening support for high-tech firms."

Most renowned brands and research institutes are dominated by western countries. Many suggest China avoid direct competition with multinationals and instead strengthen what the country is good at.

Xiao Wei, NPC Deputy said "Thousands of years of history have left China with many treasures, which have done well in the market. But overall technology development is not at world-class levels. So we should enhance what we are good at. For example, Traditional Chinese Medicine. We should further strengthen research and innovation in the filed. It will be quite difficult for us to compete in the western pharmaceutical market."

Market systems and mechanisms are critical in ensuring a smooth transition. Many deputies suggest China strengthen its legislation for the protection of intellectual property and establish favorable fiscal and tax policies supporting independent innovation.


Editor:Xiong Qu