
10-17-2007 15:18

It's the second time the China Import and Export Fair, or Canton Fair, has devoted a special zone to imported products. Fair organizers guarantee that all the items being showcased have been made overseas.

The exhibition area of the import zone has grown by half compared with the last fair in April. The fair has set strict guidelines for import zone exhibits. All companies mush have been registered overseas more than three years ago, and all products on display had to have been made overseas.

Exhibitors had to provide proof of customs clearance before they could move their products into the exhibition hall. Many buyers of hi-tech products are happy to hear about the new, stricter requirements.

One buyer said "Many world-famous brands are attending the fair and have their hi-tech products on display. We're happy to see Canton Fair is also a good place for imports."

The import zone received a large number of visitors yesterday. Buyers were attracted by the hi-tech and quality products on display.

High-class cars, environmentally-friendly machines and the newest electronic products are among the fair's many attractions. Canton Fair is China's biggest import and export fair. It closes at the end of the month.


Editor:Xiong Qu