
NaMu: A Mainstream Tribal Woman 07-29-2004 13:45

At the age of 13, she ran away from her tribe located in the remote mountainous region that separates Yunnan and Sichuan. On her way, this once illiterate teenager came across the rich and the poor, she lived in mansions filled with champagne and she also sang and danced with the penniless.

Yang Er Che Na Mu is today considered the proud jewel of Mosu. An illiterate, non-Chinese speaking Mosu teenger who did not know her own age, as is the Mosu tradition, she went to study in Shanghai and later lived in Beijing and San Francisco. She is a celebrity in China, not only because of her stories of orgy sexual relationships with men, most of them Westerners, but because of her two popular autobiographies. In Out of the Kingdom of Women and Back to the Kingdom of Women, she claims her success in life was a result of her cultural background. The values instilled in her by the matriarchal society enabled her to be an autonomous, courageous, and sexually free woman and to thrive outside in the male dominant society, both in China and the United States.

Now her books have been published in 17 languages. They even can be found in Grace.


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