
Charlotte MacInnis (AiHua): The white-faced Chinese actress 06-09-2004 16:10

Charlotte MacInnis, an American girl who has embraced and adopted Chinese culture and tradition as her own. Meanwhile, she is beloved by the Chinese people, and they have accepted her as a Chinese, not a foreigner. She has graced the stages and TV screens of China since the young age of 10. 鈥淎i Hua鈥 meaning Love China, is her Chinese name. And the name proves very appropriate, for not only does she love the Chinese, but the Chinese love her as well.

Charlotte MacInnis, a 23 year old American, has graced the stages and TV screens of China since the young age of 10. "Ai Hua", meaning Love China, is her Chinese name. And the name proves very appropriate, for not only does she love the Chinese, but the Chinese love her as well. Let's take a look at how Charlotte has won the hearts and minds of the Chinese people...


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