Chengdu popular travel destination for Lhasa residents

2009-09-29 17:31 BJT

  BEIJING, Sept. 22 (Xinhuanet) -- Chengdu, capital of southwest China‘s Sichuan Province, has become one of the most popular tourist destinations for Lhasa residents during the upcoming National Day holiday, which begins on Oct. 1.

  According to a poll conducted by Tibet Daily, 85% of Lhasa residents interviewed prefer to travel during the eight-day holiday; 32 percent would like to go to Chengdu to visit their relatives, go sightseeing or do shopping.

  Fireworks go off around the stage during the unveiling ceremony of the Sichuan Cultural Tourism Festival in Dujiangyan, southwest China‘s Sichuan Province, Sept. 11, 2009. (Xinhua Photo)

  Chengdu is one of the most important economic centers, transportation and communication hubs in southwestern China. It is also known as "the land of abundance" for its rich natural resources.

  In recent years, with the improvement of the living standard, traveling or going to other parts of China for shopping has become a fashion for Lhasa residents.

  Pasang, who works for a government department, said he and his family planned to go to Chengdu during the holiday for relaxation and see the life in the cosmopolitan.

  A giant panda is seen at the Ya‘an base of the China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center in southwest China‘s Sichuan Provice, Aug. 29, 2009. (Xinhua Photo)

  Asked about how much he could afford for the tour, Pasang said without hesitation, "around 10,000 yuan (1,464 U.S.dollars)."

  Since the Qinghai-Tibet Railway began operation in July 2006, "more Lhasa citizens have traveled to neighboring provinces or cities during their holidays," said a staff with the Tibet Holy Land International Travel Agency. "We‘ve already made full preparation for this year‘s National Day holiday."

  A staff with another travel agency in Lhasa said now many people have chosen to travel to other provinces or cities other than Chengdu and more of them prefer to travel with their families or friends.


Editor: 盧佳穎 | Source: Tibet Daily