Headline News


Death toll of Australian bushfire expected to exceed 200


Source: | 02-14-2009 09:47

Devastating wildfires Australia are still burning with a hot zone flaring up near the town of Healesville. Meanwhile, the government has charged a man with arson resulting in death.

Firefighters battle to hold the containment lines to prevent a bushfire in the Kiewa Valley from reaching the town of Dederang. Australian police are investigated fresh arson attacks and looting as angry survivors pressed for access to towns devastated by wildfires that continue to burn across vast areas.(AFP/Torsten Blackwood)

Firefighters battle to hold the containment lines to prevent 
a bushfire in the Kiewa Valley from reaching the town of 
Dederang. Australian police are investigated fresh arson 
attacks and looting as angry survivors pressed for access 
to towns devastated by wildfires that continue to burn across 
vast areas.(AFP/Torsten Blackwood)

On Friday, more than a dozen blazes were still raging in wooded areas of Australia. Flames hit a patch of extra-dry timber in a valley about 2 miles from Healesville, sending embers and smoke over the town.

Firefighters fought against the inferno with water from high-pressure hydrants. They raced to take advantage of cooler weather, rain and lighter winds lighting controlled burns in an effort to stop further outbreaks.

The Country Fire Authority later said the immediate threat to homes had eased, but warned residents to remain vigilant. Local official also urged the public to report any suspicious behavior.

Victoria State Police Commissioner Christine Nixon said, "It's part of the psychology of criminals to follow the behavior of others and so it's part of the reason we keep asking the community to be very aware of what's going on, to see if there are people in their area suspicious or they've got concerns, then to make sure they contact us."