Headline News


Heavy sonw causes huge economic losses in China


Source: | 01-24-2008 08:43

In China, bad weather has killed at least 17 people, and disruptions to transport links and power supply have been widespread. Snowfall is causing severe damage in Shaanxi province in particular.

In China, bad weather has killed at least 17 people, and disruptions to transport links and power supply have been widespread.

It's the worst snowfall in the northwestern province of Shaanxi since 1957, and meteorologists say it will continue until January 30th.

Heavy snowfall has affected most of the province since 11th, January. In the two cities near the provincial capital, over 400,000 people have been affected. More than 180,000 people had their water supply temporarily cut off, and nearly 150 houses have collapsed under the weight of snow.

The snow has also damaged over 1,000 hectares of crops and killed more than 5,000 head of livestock. Total direct economic losses are huge.

Continuous snowfall and low temperatures are also hitting transport links, water supply and agriculture in several other provinces.

Weather experts say the snowy weather will continue for the next 10 days, with further traffic disruptions expected.


Editor:Zhang Ning