Headline News


President Hu visits Shanghai for Special Olympics


Source: | 10-02-2007 11:06

President Hu Jintao is in Shanghai where he went to a camp for Special Olympic athletes. On Monday, he visited communities, factories and government offices, meeting locals to discuss the city's social and economic development.

Hu plays as referee for a tug-of-war game. This is a new role for the country's top leader.

The contestants are athletes at the Special Olympics which starts on Tuesday. The venue for this game is called Sunshine House.

And sunshine does appear on all the faces here .

Relaxation is just what they need before the competitions begin the next day, and the athletes here are taking part in various activities in their spare time.

The President also greeted the foreign delegations.

Welcome to the 2007 Special Olympic Games. I believe you'll have a happy time in Shanghai, and achieve good results. Let's work together for the development of the Special Olympics around the world.

Hu Jintao said society should help those with intellectual disabilities to become physically fit and respected members through education and sports. And he encouraged educators and volunteers to contribute more to this cause.

The President then visited local companies. He asked about production procedures, and stressed the importance of saving energy and protecting the environment.

Hu Jintao also listened to work reports from the municipal government. He said Shanghai is the country's economic power base. It should continue to push forward the nation's reform and opening up, and strengthen efforts in the anti-corruption campaign.


Editor:Xiong Qu