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Discussion the resumption of the six-party talks in Beijing


Source: | 11-28-2006 08:41

US envoy Christopher Hill is in Beijing. His arrival follows that of Japanese negotiator Kenichiro Sasae and South Korea's Chu Yung-woo. They're here to discuss the possible resumption of six-party talks on the DPRK nuclear issue.

Top US nuclear negotiator Christopher Hill arrived in Beijing on Monday afternoon. This is Hill's second visit to the Chinese capital in a week.He said,"We will solve with our Chinese host the issue of the process. We'll try all effort to see what we can do.We have always said we are prepared to contact with North Korea."

Earlier in the day, South Korea's chief negotiator Chun Yung-woo also arrived in Beijing. He said that the new round of the talks will have to produce substantive progress. The challenge is to implement the agreement in principle reached in September last year or risk losing credibility.

Chinese host Wu Dawei will discuss the resumption of the six-party mechanism with Hill, Chun and Japan's envoy Kenichiro Sasae who arrived a day earlier.

However, DPRK Deputy Foreign Minister, Kang Sok Ju, indicated last Wednesday that his country has no plans to abandon nuclear weapons unconditionally. This could well put a damper on the talks, already stalled for more than a year.

Despite the obstacles, it is still expected that the resumption of the six-party talks will take place next month. But it is anyone's guess whether there will be a substantial breakthrough from within the upcoming hard talks if they do reopen in December.


Editor:Du Xiaodan