At the Hangzhou Wild Animal Zoo, we met Zhang Hua, the trainer of the orangutans, and her “children”.
The orangutan lives in the tropical rainforests. It is a very rare species, classified as a level one protected animal. The orangutan has a much weaker constitution than the gorilla or the chimpanzee. They only live for about 30 years. They move about slowly, and their reproductive rate is relatively low.
Today there are only 30,000 orangutans in the world, of which about 10 are in
We learned that Zhang Hua and her workers do all their overtime work on a volunteer basis ? they receive no pay at all. When we asked Zhang Hua why she continued to do this work, she smiled and said she liked the animals, and so this effort didn’t matter. Perhaps her love for the animals enables her to ignore the hardship of her work, the lack of salary, and even that the animals are a level one protected species. As she says, she simply takes them as a part of her life.