本期關鍵詞: It’ s all in a day’ s work.不足為奇
Part I 我的最愛
主人公:樊德志 用針灸給豬治病,治好了幾千頭瀕臨死亡的家畜
關鍵詞:vet 獸醫 acupuncture針灸
Acupuncture is a quite profound discipline, and even college students need a few years to master it, let alone Lao Fan, who only finished the primary school. However, the pigs were dying, and Lao Fan had to take a risk in treating them.
But hardly anyone had heard of doing acupuncture on pigs, and Lao Fan couldn’t find the proper tools. Then suddenly, he thought of the awl which is used to make shoes.
Since their money problems lessened, Lao Fan wanted to learn more about acupuncture. Almost every day he consulted experts and looked up books and articles in the library. When he learned about some new method, he would try it out on his pigs. Later, Lao Fan could treat his pigs all by himself. And so, Lao Fan wanted to help his neighbors treat their pigs using acupuncture.
4. 為了能夠得到大家的認可,老樊決定一門心思研究獸醫針灸技術。他經常呆在豬圈裏觀察豬的構造和各種反應,一有新發現就記下來。由於文化水平有限,老樊經常要帶上一本字典。為了專心研究,老樊甚至連家裏的農活都甩給老伴一個人來做。
In order convince others that acupuncture was really effective, Lao Fan decided to work hard on his research. He would spend many hours a day in the pig sty.
To concentrate on his research, Lao Fan stopped doing farm work, which he turned over to his wife.
5. 從那以後,樊德志名聲大振,每天總是不斷有人請他出診,老樊也是有求必應。最忙的時候他經常是早上五點就出門,直到夜裏兩點才回家。
From then on, Fan Dezhi has become the most popular person in the area. He is asked to perform acupuncture on sick pigs every day. Because Lao Fan never refuses anyone, he is always very busy. Sometimes he sets off in the early morning and doesn’t return until late at night.
Part II 電影──Sahara 《撒哈拉》
點評:從《奪寶奇兵》到《木乃伊》,從《古墓麗影》到《金剛》,講述探險家的電影一直是好萊塢大片裏最受歡迎的一類影片。雖然涉足影壇不久,但是導演Breck Eisner很快就意識到了這一點。因此,他推出了探險影片Sahara《撒哈拉》。為了打響第一炮,他找來了湯姆?克魯斯的前任女友──西班牙美女佩內洛普?克魯茲(Penelope Cruz)擔任女主角。另外,在劇情和場面上,《撒哈拉》不僅吸取了《奪寶奇兵》和《木乃伊》的亮點,同時也加入了一些屬於自己的幽默元素。
This is the Malian Civil Service.
I got it.
We are looking for the doctor.
Where are they?
Where is the woman?
Sorry, I don't speak English.
You are speaking English.
I just know how to say
“I don't speak English” in English.
Hi, hold on.