Xinjiang people donate to help riot victims

2009-07-30 19:00 BJT

Special Report: 7.5 Xinjiang Urumqi Riots |

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In Xinjiang, people of all ethnic groups are donating to the Ethnicity Mutual-Help Fund to show their concern for the victims of the July 5th riot and their anger toward separatists.

The Ethnicity Mutual-Help Fund has received donations of over 380 million yuan. Many donors say they hope the injured get better soon.

In Xinjiang, people of all ethnic groups are donating to the Ethnicity Mutual-Help Fund to show their concern for the victims of the July 5th riot and their anger toward separatists. 
In Xinjiang, people of all ethnic groups are donating to the Ethnicity
Mutual-Help Fund to show their concern for the victims of the July 5th
riot and their anger toward separatists.

The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region set up the fund after the July 5th riot for help pay for medical treatment and the recovery of the injured. People from across China have been making donations.

Editor: Xiong Qu | Source: