Special Report: 7.5 Xinjiang Urumqi Riots |
Friday prayer, also known as Jumu'ah, is the most important prayer for Muslims.
Friday prayer, also known as Jumu'ah, is the most important prayer for Muslims. |
In Islamic tradition, Muslims come to mosques to perform their weekly congregational prayer on Friday of each week. In Id Kah Mosque in Kashgar City, China's largest mosque, nearly ten-thousand people gathered to pray for social stability.
Kashgar Resident, said, "I'm 82 years old. I hope that life goes on safe and sound. Only this can bring us happiness."
Kashgar Resident, said, "Today I have come to the mosque to pray for national unity and social stability."
Juma Taier, Kashgar ID Kah Mosque IMAM, said, "National unity plays an important role in promoting social development and improving people's living standard. There is no doubt that national unity is a precondition for social development."