Service held for flight 447 victims in Paris

2009-06-04 08:44 BJT


Special Report: Air France jet vanishes |

A service has been held at Notre Dame cathedral in Paris in memory of the victims of Air France flight 447.

French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, and several other high profile politicians joined friends and families of the victims.

A number of Air France crew attended to pay tribute to their colleagues.

Jean-Marc Jaouen, Air France Employee, said, "All of this, it's hard, it's incomprehensible, it could have happened to all of us. So we're all here to show that we all love each other, we're all present."

Among the passengers on the flight were 10 salesmen and their partners from a French electronics supply company. They had won a company prize of a free trip to Brazil.

France's President Nicolas Sarkozy (C), his wife Carla Bruni-Sarkozy (L) and Prime Minister Francois Fillon (R) arrive at the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris for an ecumenical church service June 3, 2009 for relatives and families of the passengers of Air France's flight 447 that vanished Monday over the Atlantic Ocean. REUTERS/Bob Edme/Pool
France's President Nicolas Sarkozy (C), his wife Carla Bruni-Sarkozy (L)
and Prime Minister Francois Fillon (R) arrive at the Notre-Dame Cathedral
in Paris for an ecumenical church service June 3, 2009 for relatives and
families of the passengers of Air France's flight 447 that vanished Monday
over the Atlantic Ocean. REUTERS/Bob Edme/Pool