First panda cub born in Thai zoo

2009-05-29 10:11 BJT

A healthy panda cub was born in a Thai zoo on Wednesday, the first there after years of failed attempts that included using mating videos to entice the bears to reproduce.

In this photo released by Chiang Mai Zoo, a new born baby panda sits in the hands of a veterinarian as it is cared at Chiang Mai Zoo in Chiang Mai province, northern Thailand Wednesday, May 27, 2009. A healthy panda cub was born Wednesday in a Thai zoo, the first in the country after years of failed attempts that included using porn videos to entice the two parents to mate.(AP Photo/Chiang Mai Zoo, HO) 
In this photo released by Chiang Mai Zoo, a new born baby 
panda sits in the hands of a veterinarian as it is cared at
Chiang Mai Zoo in Chiang Mai province, northern Thailand
Wednesday, May 27, 2009. A healthy panda cub was born Wednesday
in a Thai zoo, the first in the country after years of failed 
attempts that included using porn videos to entice the two 
parents to mate.(AP Photo/Chiang Mai Zoo, HO)

Chiang Mai Zoo's director Thananpat Pongamorn said staff were unaware that Lin Hui, a 7-year-old female, was pregnant. Zoo staff artificially inseminated the giant panda on February 18 but saw no signs that she was pregnant.

Lin Hui started licking her backside and exhibiting pain in her stomach early in the morning and then gave birth to the cub, which appeared healthy.

Panda births are difficult to predict and reports of false pregnancies are common. Dozens of pandas are born by artificial insemination each year in China. But it is extremely rare elsewhere.