Source: Xinhua

02-29-2008 20:24

Chinese top lawmaker Wu Bangguo said Thursday that the Anti-secession Law passed by the national legislature a year ago "has played an important role and exerted far-reaching impact" in checking "Taiwan independence" activities.

The law, adopted at the 3rd session of the 10th National People's Congress (NPC) on March 14 of 2005, "demonstrates our utmost sincerity for peaceful reunification and our resolute opposition to 'Taiwan independence'," Wu, chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, said in his work report to the ongoing 4th NPC session.

"To resolve the Taiwan issue and achieve the final reunification of the motherland is the common aspiration of all Chinese at home and abroad," Wu said. The law was approved last year with a nearly unanimous vote.

"It showcases the common will and firm determination of all Chinese people to protect state sovereignty and territorial integrity and never allow 'Taiwan independence' forces to split Taiwan from China in any name or by any means," he added.

The implementation of the law has played an important role and exerted far-reaching impact in promoting cross-Straits relations, bringing more benefits to the compatriots on both sides, stabilizing cross-Straits situation, advancing the peaceful reunification process, checking "Taiwan independence" forces and their activities, and safeguarding state sovereignty and territorial integrity, the chairman said.

The Taiwan question became a spotlight issue at the ongoing session of the Tenth NPC, following the announcement of Taiwan leader Chen Shui-bian that the "National Unification Council" shall cease to function and its guidelines "cease to apply."

In response to Chen's "dangerous step" toward "Taiwan independence," senior Chinese leader Jia Qinglin said on Saturday that the mainland is "surely able to do what it says" in preventing secessionist forces from splitting Taiwan from China.

"We're determined to and capable of doing this, and we have ways to do so," said Jia, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.(2006-03-09)


Editor:Zhang Ning