
02-15-2008 17:25

Today, whether or not you follow the latest trends, one's fashion and choice of dress is a reflection of one's individual style and tastes. Can you still remember how you dressed at the start of China's opening-up? Today's program is one of a special series commemorating the 30th anniversary of reform and opening-up in China. In these two episodes we focused on fashion and style and were honored to invite two special guests to join us in studio - Ms. Zhang Ling from Raffles-BICT International College and Alex from Esquire Magazine.

When we talk about fashion, color is absolutely crucial. A color can reflect the mood of an individual person or the spiritual temperament of entire society or age. Color is an integral element of fashion, as we can see with each new fashion season. Mrs. Zhang and Alex talked about the colors which have left the greatest impression on them. In the 1960s and 70s, blue and grey were the dominant colors at the time and people had limited choices to dress up. But fast forward to the present, and you will find no difficulty in choosing from array of vivid colors in the market.