Source: Xinhua

02-03-2009 14:31

BEIJING, Feb. 3 -- The International Olympic Committee expressed confidence Monday that Michael Phelps will learn from his "inappropriate behavior" and continue to serve as a role model after a British newspaper published a photo of him inhaling from a marijuana pipe.

U.S. Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps listens to a question during an interview at Yingdong Swimming Pool in Beijing Jan. 13, 2009, during filming for a television commercial for Mazda. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)
U.S. Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps listens to a question during 
an interview at Yingdong Swimming Pool in Beijing Jan. 13, 2009, 
during filming for a television commercial for Mazda. 
(Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

And two of Phelps' leading sponsors expressed their continued support for the swimmer. Swimwear manufacturer Speedo, which gave Phelps a US$1 million bonus for his record eight gold medals at the Beijing Olympics, offered backing to the 23-year-old American. Luxury Swiss watch maker Omega said it considered Phelps' actions a private matter and a "non-issue."

Phelps apologized for his behavior after the picture was published on Sunday by the tabloid News of the World.

"Michael Phelps is a great Olympic champion," the IOC said in a statement e-mailed to The Associated Press yesterday.

"He apologized for his inappropriate behavior. We have no reason to doubt his sincerity and his commitment to continue to act as a role model."

During the Beijing Olympics, IOC President Jacques Rogge called Phelps "the icon of the Games."

Marijuana is viewed differently from performance-enhancing drugs under World Anti-Doping Agency rules.

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