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Bakery shelters people in Xinjiang riot

2009-07-11 13:44 BJT

Special Report: 7.5 Xinjiang Urumqi Riots |

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Amidst all the violence in the Urumqi, there are have also been stories of courage amidst difficulty. Surveillance footage taken during the riots, shows employees of a bakery providing shelter for people.

Surveillance footage taken during the riots, shows employees of a bakery providing shelter for people.
Surveillance footage taken during the riots, shows employees
of a bakery providing shelter for people.

As staff were preparing for a shift change, the manager noticed something was wrong.

Shopkeeper Chen Dongshan said, "Many people rushed to hide in our shop around eight. And many rioters were outside beating policemen. We just locked the door for fear they'd break in."

Everyone in the bakery feared for their lives.

Shopkeeper Chen Dongshan said, "It was horrible. They threw stones and bricks at us."

Shopkeeper Chen Dongshan 
Shopkeeper Chen Dongshan