6,507 A-H1N1 cases confirmed worldwide


Special Report: World tackles A/H1N1 flu |

World Health Organization and government data shows that as of 9 am Thursday, Beijing time, cases of the A/H1N1 flu had been confirmed in 6,507 patients in 34 countries and regions.

The United States has the most, with over 3,000 cases confirmed in 45 states, some 700 other suspected cases and three deaths.

Mexico has 60 confirmed deaths; and Canada and Costa Rica have each confirmed one death from the infection.

Meanwhile, a WHO official says most A/H1N1 flu patients with mild symptoms do not require antiviral treatment to recover.

The organization says most people can get better with rest and hydration, so there's no need to treat all infections with antiviral drugs.

The WHO says drugs should be used mainly for pregnant women and for people suffering from additional diseases.

Editor: Zhang Pengfei | Source: CCTV.com