Longxu Slum

2009-06-25 19:06 BJT

Longxu Slum (Longxugou, 1951)---Written by Lao She (1899-1966) in 1953, this modern drama was the first full-length play produced by the Beijing People's Art Theater.

Longxu Slum 
Longxu Slum 

Known as a milestone in the development of realistic drama in modern China, it contrasts the lives of residents in a Beijing gully called Longxugou before and after the founding of the People's Republic in 1949. Before 1949, it was a slum where inhabitants suffered from bullying by local despots and from the increasingly stinking conditions .

After liberation, the new government turned Longxugou into a thoroughfare, constructed a tap water system in the area and cleaned out the despots. Playwright: Laoshe; Director: Jiao Yunyin.

Editor: Yang Jie | Source: