The Beijing Man

2009-06-25 18:56 BJT

Has nanny given you the note?

Sufang, I'm definitely leaving tomorrow.

I'll never return to this family.

I want to see you for one last time

before I leave.

I'll never return to this family.

It's right that you don't come back.

I've been thinking for the whole evening.

It was me who ruined you

for over ten years.

You suffered from it. I did as well.

I always thought that someday we'll...

Sufang, are you all right?

I'm tired.

I feel sorry for you. I dare not even think

what kind of life you'll have.

Like a bird remaining lonely in its cage.


Don't talk about that.

Why do we have to live a life

separated from each other?

Why can't we fly out together from here ?

Isn't this good enough?

What do you want?

Sufang, let's go together to the south.

Forget about it.

At least agree to

what I said in the morning.


Because I shall never come back home

after I leave this time.

Promise me that you won't stay

in this family any longer.

What do we have in this family besides

those mice that eat our paintings?

Sufang, you must tell me

what's in your mind.

Don't keep silent. Sufang.

Or you can just marry me.

Sufang, don't go away saying nothing.

Editor: Yang Jie | Source: