------Program code: NF-080805-07972 (what's this?)

Source: CCTV.com

08-05-2008 11:56

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The 1964 Summer Olympics, held in Tokyo, Japan, were the first hosted by an Asian nation. These days, even more so than back in 1964, first-time visitors to Tokyo who come from the West with expectations of experiencing an exotic city of the Orient, are often disappointed. Instead of ancient temples and imperial palaces, they find a most densely-populated and highly westernized metropolis, with concrete buildings standing virtually one on top of another. However, those foreigners who linger in Tokyo eventually discover that beneath its concrete shell is a thriving cultural life. Take for example the traditional activities of sumo and karate, that have been preserved mostly unchanged for hundreds of years.

Sumo is very much alive and well as a modern martial art and spectator sport. Much of its appeal lies in the traditions; the history of sumo goes back hundreds of years. Today, the sport still observes many of the ancient rituals, such as the use of salt for purification. It all goes back to the days when sumo was part of the Shinto religion.