
07-22-2008 16:02

Anybody with an interest in Chinese porcelain will almost certainly know the name Jingdezhen. They’ll also no doubt be familiar with the blue and white porcelain produced there. Almost as famous as Jingdezhen and its blue and white porcelain is Longquan and its celadon. Longquan is in Zhejiang Province, where the transport conditions are relatively good. This, and the fine clay found locally, are two key factors behind the popularity of Longquan celadon. Longquan was producing celadon for almost 1,600 years, right up until the early years of the 20th century. Centuries earlier, during the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, Longquan celadon was among China’s principal export items. However, in recent times Longquan has been at the centre of a controversy. The question concerns whether or not there was ever an imperial kiln there.


Editor:Liu Fang