------Program code: NS-080813-03640 (what's this?)

Source: CCTV.com

08-13-2008 10:39

Watch Video: Part 1 >>

Yuanyuan and her mate Deck find shelter from the wind and rain under the thick foliage of the red birch tree. But the sudden downpour catches Little Yuan unawares.

Other young monkeys of Little Yuan’s age can look for food in the rain by themselves.

But Little Yuan is like a spoilt child, asking for milk from his mother.

After the dangerous encounter with the viper, Yuanyuan hasn’t allowed Little Yuan out of her sight. She also finds it impossible to refuse his requests.

The rain gets harder and Parted-Hair still cannot find any shelter. His life is really that of an outcast.

The all-male colony fares the worst among all the monkeys here. Life within it is cruel. Parted Hair is now the colony’s head, and with time he will grow stronger.

It’s only a matter of time before he challenges Deck for his throne.

After the rain, the water level has risen and the river pours through the mountain valley. It will separate into two branches, one flowing into the Hanjiang River, the other into the Weihe River, and from there onwards to the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers.

Summer in the Qinling Mountains comes to an end in August. There is plenty of food around, and Parted-Hair quickly fills his belly.

Deck is mating with another female. This is the time of year when the females most easily conceive. Parted-Hair is grown up, but he has no right to approach a female.

But suddenly Parted-Hair charges into the crowd, trying to get close to Deck’s mate. Deck, as the head of the colony, will never tolerate such interference.