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Source: CCTV.com

07-31-2008 09:16

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From all over the country, they come here with the same ideal. They’re here to bring health and fitness to the people who live in the capital. They use their own methods to bring you a healthy future.

This is Chen Yan. She’s just like any other Beijinger: on time to work every day. Chen Yan works in a fitness center, and her job title is “Private Fitness Instructor.”

The first thing Chen Yan does when she arrives at the center is work out for half an hour. People have come to call this kind of mechanical way of movement an aerobic workout. People who go for this kind of profession are all young and ardent lovers of physical exercise.

Fitness Instructor Chen Yan:"As a physical trainer, you can get your body looking top-notch. If you need to train in any specific area, you can get that done during the first hour of work. If you’ve eaten too much, you can digest it pretty quickly. If your strength is down, you can use that first hour to get it back up. Aside from all this, there’s the fact that being a female trainer is very modern, and I make good money."

Only a few decades ago, most Chinese people were not even familiar with the idea of fitness centers, and being a trainer was not a job sought after by many young people. Today, however, things have changed. Following the rise in the standard of living, people are becoming more and more conscious about health and fitness.

Since the 90’s, China’s health industry has flourished like never before. The scope and number of health clubs is greater than ever before. The amount of money city dwellers spend on health and fitness increases steadily by 30% each year, making the health industry by all means worthy of being called a thriving enterprise.

Just like Chen Yan, a large number of young people flock to this line of work. In their eyes, fitness instruction is not only a new and popular way to go, it’s also a possible long-term career.

Chen Yan’s own sense of achievement comes from the gym members that she instructs personally. While instructing someone in their training, Chen relies not only on a member’s personal needs but also their physical condition to put together a complete, scientifically sound workout. Carried out with focus, her method has helped many a member of the center find their optimum fitness regimen.

Any positive bodily changes in members spark feelings of immense pride in Chen Yan.

Chen Yan’s workmate also teaches aerobic exercise. He’s got a strong and prominent build, and when instructing, exhibits a gentle and patient demeanor. This has made him well received among female members.

In every city in China at present, there are places to work out to fit the needs of every group of consumers. The residential quarters in particular, (where one can obtain professional instruction from trainers, find all necessary facilities as well as an abundance of fitness clubs), have become the first choice of many city dwellers.