Dialogue 09/06/26 Japan expands anti-piracy mission

2009-06-29 14:58 BJT

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Hello, I am Yang Rui reporting live from Beijing. Due to the fundamental mistrust and the rise of nationalism in and between China, South Korea and Japan, the recent adoption of a law by the Japanese Diet to fight piracy in international waters has captured media attention and triggered discussions about the Japanese military and geopolitical ambitions.

But, does it mean that the Pacifist Constitution will have to be amended to elevate Japan to what is called a normal country well over six decades after its defeat in the 2nd world war? Will the use force help Japan’s diplomacy in violation of its constitution?

With these questions in mind, we are pleased to be joined here by Mr. Yoichi Shimatsu, former editor of Japan Times and Mr. Brandon Blackburn-Dwyer, our world affairs commentator from the US. We shall talk to Professor Takesato Watanabe in a few minutes who is standing by in Kyoto, Japan. But, up first, let’s look at this report.