Dialogue 09/06/16 Influence of Iranian election

2009-06-17 14:42 BJT


Special Report: Iran presidential election 09 |

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Hello, I am Yang Rui reporting live. Despite the alleged protests from supporters of his political rival Mir Hossein Mousavi, Mr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declares that he has won the second five-year term in a landslide victory. His election win is viewed by the West as the success of Iran’s clerical, military and political elites. The results also show the growing polarization of the Iranian population between poor and rich, and between Islamic traditionalists and Islamic modernists.

However, to much of the world, the election in Iran is more about the nuclear issue and its implications for Afghanistan, Iraq and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. President Obama says in his first open comments on the election that Iranians decide the future of their own country. He says he still expects to improve the ties with Tehran despite scathing criticisms from Dick Chiney.

Joining us now here live in the studio are Mr. Hua Liming, former Chinese ambassador to Iran, Mr. Hussein Ismail, Egyptian correspondent to Beijing and Mr. Brandon Blackburn-dwyer. But, let’s first look at this report.