
03-12-2007 10:00

Special Report:   2007 NPC & CPPCC sessions

Guest Speakers:

Prof. He Jiahong, Renmin University of Chian

Edward Lehman, Managing Director, Lehman Lee & Xu

For half a century, we have a constitution and the name of "Republic". But to what degree can the nation-building be shaped in the spirit of law and law only? Is social justice a word that takes root in the heart of every individual in this republic? Proportional representation, check & balance, election, rule of law, supervision and accountability are the phrases that the well-educated Chinese are more familiar with. But, sadly, China still carries many hallmarks of a feudal society. In the age of globalization, however, its re-emergence and transformation are largely facilitated by advanced norms and institutions that we learn from outside. One case in point is legislation. The new leadership, which is composed of, enlightened technocrats, wants to be viewed as populist and responsible at home and abroad. But can ordinary public understand their agenda and top concerns of the government of the people, for the people and by the people? Why is it difficult to abide by law and to ensure effective law enforcement in this country?


Editor:Liu Fang