
Macao´s Legislature & Stability 12-17-2004 23:15


Yang Rui


Susana Chou:President odf Legislative Assembly of Macao SAR

Madam Cao Qizhen addressed issues of why Macao has been stable since 1999 and she made very convincing comments on HK's noisy appeal direct election and some of the democrats鈥efforts to woo overseas support for the alleged democratization process.

She says she does not agree with them and their efforts. She argues that democracy should be intended to ensure stability and prosperity not for creating troubles.

She also says she is confident about her working relationship with Mr Edmund Ho, the chief executive of the Macao SAR Government and with the National People's Congress.

She discussed the bilingual problems that legislation in Macao has encountered and their efforts to overcome the difficulties. She praised the success of implementing the "one country two systems policy" here in Macao.


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