
Dialogue 07-13-2004 15:18

Dialogue is one of the most acclaimed and influential programs on CCTV International. This 30 minute current affairs news magazine is an authoritative talk show designed to inform and educate viewers worldwide and influence decision makers in governments, businesses and academia.

Dialogue provides fair and comprehensive analysis of current affairs within the framework of cross-cultural and multi-disciplinary comparisons. Chinese and foreign guests openly express their opinions on issues making headlines in China and around the world. Through frank discussions, and sometimes heated debates, viewers are encouraged to reach their own conclusions.

The knowledge, expertise, insight and candor of Dialogue鈥檚 guests are a significant component of the program. A sample of our guests include former U.S. Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton; former U.N. Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali, the President of Yale University, Richard Levin; and world renowned Chinese film maker, Chen Kaige.

The intelligence, sharp wit and depth of our anchors make up the other indispensable elements of Dialogue. Our anchors are always willing and ready to ask the tough questions that are on the minds of our viewers. MR. YANG RUI, a senior CCTV journalist, and MS. LIU FEIFEI(Christina Lau), a U.S. trained attorney, are the anchors of Dialogue.

Program Broadcast Schedule (Beijing Time):

Contact Information:

Phone: (86)-10-8824-4002, (86)-10-8824-3421

Fax: (86)-10-6858-1282


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