
02-01-2009 08:15

Special Report:   2009 Spring Festival

It's almost become a tradition in itself -- each Spring Festival brings a new round of print articles and discussions, bemoaning the steady decline of the holiday spirit. But there are those who say traditions should keep changing with the times. We take an in-depth look at how Spring Festival traditions have evolved to become what they are today.

Spring Festival is traditionally a time of happiness, cheer, and also a time for sending best wishes to friends and family.

With rapid changes in society and life styles, the way we extend our wishes has adapted.
With rapid changes in society and life styles, the way we extend 
our wishes has adapted.

With rapid changes in society and life styles, the way we extend our wishes has adapted. Modern methods of communicating, such as calling on a mobile phone, sending a text message or e-mailing an e-card are preferred, especially among young people. Many choose to send holiday greetings in convenient and cheap ways.

Beijing Resident, said, "Sending a message is convenient, fast and can lower the cost of making phone calls."

"It's convenient, simple and can save some money."

Yet, the older generation still loves traditional face-to-face greetings. They feel this is more friendly and genuine, and they can talk about their health, listen to each other's troubles, and give some advice. Personal contact is irreplaceable, no matter how much society evolves.

There are various ways to convey Lunar New Year greetings, and people choose methods that reflect their age-group. But the intentions are always similar... to wish friends and family a happy, joyful and prosperous new year.

Shen Ping, Research Fellow, said, "The details of the Spring Festival celebration are changing. But people's constant pursuit of goodness in life remains unchangeable. Spring Festival customs collectively reflect Chinese people's longing for prosperity and happiness for the nation and their families."