
11-18-2008 09:15

Google Earth has launched a new facility - allowing users to "time travel" virtually - through ancient Rome. Google Earth affords on line travelers an opportunity to visit the street where they live. Now they can also travel back to an era 17-hundred years in the past.

Google Earth has launched a new facility - allowing users to "time travel" virtually - through ancient Rome. 
Google Earth has launched a new facility - allowing users to 
"time travel" virtually - through ancient Rome. 

Google Earth is the popular mapping service that lets users move through three-dimensional satellite images showing city streets. Now users will also have a chance to "time travel." Google Earth's newest attraction allows virtual visits to ancient Rome, around the year 320 AD.

The virtual architecture of the ancient city was created by U.S. and Italian academics. Now 400 million users who visit Google Earth, can enter some of the most famous sites of the ancient world.

Google Earth has launched a new facility - allowing users to "time travel" virtually - through ancient Rome. 
Google Earth has launched a new facility - allowing users to 
"time travel" virtually - through ancient Rome. 

Michael T. Jones, Google techonology chief, said, "It is a recreation of historic Rome made live in 3D that is made available to 400 million users of Google Earth around the world as of this very moment. You can go to the Imperial Forum you can go inside the Basilica Giulia you can go to the Circus Maximus and imagine Ben Hur, that sort of experience that is hypothetical, that can now be real and you can actually see more of Rome in Google Earth than you can see in Italy."

The technology chief said it was the latest in a series of educational applications by Google that do not necessarily have a profit-motive.


Editor:Liu Fang