
09-04-2008 09:06

Special Report:   Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games

There's a new, highly visible and very special volunteer at Beijing Capital International Airport. Funiu Lele, is a highly attractive calf that can sing and dance and is a storehouse of useful information. She's the official mascot of the Beijing Paralympics. And she's the most popular volunteer there.

Funiu Lele, is a highly attractive calf that can sing and dance and is a storehouse of useful information. 
Funiu Lele, is a highly attractive calf that can sing and dance 
and is a storehouse of useful information.

This is Funiu Lele - a robot, designed and assembled by the Civil Aviation University of China. Lele speaks, has a fine sense of humour and is an expert in languages.

Funiu Lele, is a highly attractive calf that can sing and dance and is a storehouse of useful information. 
Funiu Lele, is a highly attractive calf that can
sing and dance and is a storehouse of useful 

Lele is talented. She can add, tell you where to get a taxi, and she sings "Beijing Welcomes You." But that's not the full extent of her repertoire. She knows some foreign songs, with lyrics at the ready to welcome athletes and visitors from around the world.