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Xinjiang leaders pledge to promote ethnic unity and social stability

2009-07-20 22:15 BJT

Special Report: 7.5 Xinjiang Urumqi Riots |

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Top lawmaker and political advisor of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region have pledged to promote ethnic unity and social stability. They say the Autonomous Region would accelerate local legislation against separatism.

Eligen Imibakhi, Standing Comm. Chairman of Xinjiang Regional People's Congress
Eligen Imibakhi, Standing Comm. Chairman of Xinjiang Regional 
People's Congress

Eligen Imibakhi, Standing Comm. Chairman of Xinjiang Regional People's Congress, said, "The July 5th incident involving beating, smashing, looting and burning, was a severe and violent crime colluded, planned and organized by extremists, separatists and terrorists both at home and abroad. They plotted to disrupt ethnic unity, provoke an ethnic conflict, and sabotage social stability and unity. Their aim is to separate Xinjiang from China. It is evident that the three forces from home and abroad and the mobsters of the riot are the enemy of the people. They do not represent any ethnic groups. They are the enemy of all ethnic people, and should be punished according to law."

Ashat Kerimbay, Chairman of Xinjiang Regional People's Political Cons. Conf., said, "People from all ethnic groups in Xinjiang strongly oppose separatism. The July 5th incident cannot affect people's expectations on the development and stability in Xinjiang. It won't change the fast economic and social growth in Xianjiang, and affect its new type of ethnic relations, based on hard work and common development of all ethnic groups."

Editor: Liu Anqi | Source: