
04-22-2008 09:16

Special Report:   Tibet Journal by 2 Foreigners

Meet Katy and Moge, two Californians about to make their first journey to Tibet.

Follow in their footsteps – from the moment they figure out their backpacks are a little too small to their final farewells from the beautiful city of Lhasa. Armed with cameras and a sense of humor, Katy and Moge brave bumpy roads and oxygen-deprivation to visit several of Tibet’s most breathtaking monasteries, temples, and palaces. They encounter a colorful cast of characters, from playful Buddhist monks and beer-drinking folk dancers to the friendly hosts of an afternoon tea.

For these two travelers, each day sheds new light on Tibetan society and culture in a way that challenges their assumptions, and may raise more questions than they can answer in the pages of… Tibet Diary.

"Tibet Diary" has been awarded the Award of Distinction in Cinematography by The Videographer Awards. It has also won the Best Documentary Award by Aurora Awards in America in 2004.

Katy exchanges glances with a holy statue at Yubulakang Palace
 Katy exchanges glances with a holy
 statue at Yubulakang Palace
Moge takes a photo along a Shigatse city street
 Moge takes a photo along a Shigatse
 city street