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Hospital, society try save young victim

2009-07-21 12:57 BJT

Special Report: 7.5 Xinjiang Urumqi Riots |

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Hospital staff in Urumqi are still working around the clock to save those injured in the July 5th riots. One of the victims is a four year-old boy.

Hospital staff in Urumqi are still working around the clock to save those injured in the July 5th riots. One of the victims is a four year-old boy.
Hospital staff in Urumqi are still working around the clock to save 
those injured in the July 5th riots. One of the victims is a four 
year-old boy.

For half an hour each time, twice a day, Zhou Xiaohua calls her son's name time and again. She talks to him and sings his favorite rhyme. "Wenwen, you said you love Mommy, why don't you talk to me? Come on, be brave, Mommy promises to buy you new clothes…"

Although four-year-old Luo Wen cannot respond, Zhou Xiaohua believes love can bring him back.

Zhou Xiaohua said, "He's such a nice child. Whenever he saw that we were tired, he would say 'Mommy, take a break.' He is so kind."