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Foreign media: Chinese gov't makes great efforts to help int'l journalists

2009-07-10 06:35 BJT

Special Report: 7.5 Xinjiang Urumqi Riots |

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The government of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region says that they have made great efforts to help international journalists with their coverage of the situation there, including helping them gain access to religious figures and local scholars.

Media organizations across the world have praised the government's handling of the international press in the aftermath of the riot. And they add that they have been able to work in an open and transparent environment.

Jaime Florcruz, CNN Beijing Bureau Chief
Jaime Florcruz, CNN Beijing Bureau Chief

Jaime Florcruz, CNN Beijing Bureau Chief, said, "I think that what the Chinese government is doing is beneficial for both the media and the government itself. We are able to cover the news immediately and objectively...And, at the same time... China gets a good opportunity to communicate with the world. "